Monday, May 18, 2009

There are a Trillion bees on the hedge

Ostensibly, there are more hyperbole's in beekeeping than Carter has pills!

Swarm=Sojourners=a short stay

The first swarm is nestled on a plum tree. By far the most fragrant tree I have ever encountered!
The second has wrapped itself around a crab apple tree

Saturday, May 16, 2009


First, let me introduce myself. My name is Alan Ray. My wife, Issa, and I are among the newest newbees in Denver, having just installed our first two hives in the past couple of weeks. The garden already seems happier!

All I can say is, it didn’t take long for us to fall completely in love with our new backyard neighbors. Everyone in the family has taken to sitting beside the hives enthralled with the little magicians. We’ve even named them. No, not all 20,000 of them! But we did get tired of calling it “hive one” and “hive two”. So now all the bees in hive one are the Bettys. Hive two is home to the Berthas.

I got my feet wet capturing swarms last week on a quiet street not far from downtown. I got a phone call from Marygael and, before I knew what hit me, was standing atop a ladder reaching twenty-five feet up into a spruce tree. The building tenant was a great sport about the bees hovering over his sidewalk—but wasn’t so sure his clients and neighbors would have a sense of humor about it. So, up I went and talked them (the Berthas) into a bucket. It was excellent fun. I highly recommend it.

Now they are settling in to the backyard just as the strawberries are blossoming, along with the apple, cherry, and pear trees. We can’t wait for a little taste of honey in the fall. But honestly, just knowing they are there is reward enough.

Be well and be free!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Moving day

Thanks Steve Davis