Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Hope Eternal

Hi All,
As we stand poised for another bee season we can rest assured that bees will be encouraged and those with stewardship will be supported in Denver.
As we ready ourselves as returning keepers or newly anointed keepers we know that we have a great community to draw from with many seasoned, enthusiastic, and quite simply put great beekeeping people. Not just in the Denver area but in the outline areas as well, all working towards a common goal...bees and their well bee-ing.
Questions and discussions should be many here.Tales from the hives will be greatly appreciated and efforts and solutions will be applauded. The hive in all it's grandeur and complexity has been a wonderful place to take myself too. I look forward to this year.My hope is that we all have a great year and are able to find out new and exciting things about ourselves and the world we live in through a rather amazing creature.

1 comment:

Oscar Perone said...


My name is Oscar Perone. I live in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, and I
am 63 years old. I have been keeping bees since I was young, and in 2002 I
became a professional organic, natural beekeeper. I have also taught beekeeping as a teacher at training schools in several parts of Buenos Aires.

In 2004, trying to escape Roundup and the environmental devastation as a
consequence of soybean farming, we moved all of our hives to Pirané and Monte
Lindo in the Formosa province in the tropical region of Argentina, where we
still have them.

For over one year I was in charge of beekeeping, using my method, at the 7,500
acre "El Palomar" ranch (for livestock and beekeeping) in Palo Santo in Formosa.
The ranch has 1,000 hives, is organically certified, and is the one of more
largest beekeeping operation in the north of Argentina.

During all these years I developed a new technique called Extensive Organic
Beekeeping that is specially for the care of African bees, although it works
well with normal bees too, in no-tropical zones of the world.

I was going to publish a book, but I decided to offer all the materials for free
in a manual on my new blog:

On my blog you can see the results in photographs from my apiaries. In the
manual on my blog I explain, among other things, the method with which I trapped

339 swarms to start hives during the 2006/2007 season.

So here it helped me a beekeeper from another list to translate the text from
the Spanish because of my limitations with the English language.

The following text is automatically translated by software.
Sorry for the mistakes

I ask you to enter my blog and read the manual.

I want to help beekeepers around the
world with this technique and I can not transmit my knowledge to my fellow
beekeepers who speak English because I do not speak the language

I firmly believe that beekeepers are responsible to save the bees
around the world, because they are in grave danger. Across the planet the
hives are losing population at an alarming rate.

I think I can do is help to the best of my ability.

So my manual is free. For all in the world.

I am entering all the lists of beekeeping in English in the world trying to
find people like you who have kindly contact me in Spanish. And perhaps they
would like help with the translation of the beekeeping blog to make this
information available to many more beekeepers in the world.

Translation must be done by who knows beekeeping, Spanish and English.
In my country do not know anyone who has the necessary conditions.

So I have not engaged the services of a professional translator.
I could not warn the mistakes out of ignorance of beekeeping by the professional


I would help to beekeepers
around the world

Please help me if you can.

All the best


Oscar Perone

Ozanan 96
1617 General Pacheco
Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 011 1532837346
Skype: oscarperone